Give a gift. save a life.

This year at The Well is digging in for even more wells! This year, The Well will be committing to give 100% of our Christmas Eve offering away to help to help our brothers and sisters in Mozambique by helping to fund the construction of a new safe water well. The approximate cost to build a new safe water well in Mozambique is about $15,000. Our goal is to make a dent in (or completely reach!) what it takes to construct a new safe water well. The Well will be partnering with a ministry that United Methodists in Missouri have bene hard at work in for years, by serving alongside our amazing churches and communities in Mozambique.

Please make sure as you give, you select Mozambique Initiative on the fund drop down to insure you Christmas Eve offering goes where it's supposed to!

This year let's give a gift that matters. This year, let's give a gift that can save a life.